Tuesday 25 March 2014

Upper Thames flagship

PDF download link here.

The original consultation for changes to Upper Thames Street was a while ago, but I decided to change this one as my third attempt at improving a TFL consultation. Even though the consultation is closed, it is still relevant, because firstly it is the end of a superhighway, a so called flagship route, and secondly Upper Thames Street will carry the "Crossrail for the Bike". Therefore this location is of great importance.

While the consultation says Safety Improvements, in terms of cycling all that has changed is some extended ASLs and a facility for those confident enough to cross two lanes first to access it. The end of the Superhighway, probably the most dangerous location here due to turning HGVs, has been left completely untouched. Below is my amendments:


Along Upper Thames Street, I have added a one way cycle track on each side. By removing the central reservation (traffic should be able to drive within a lane at 30mph), and using the existing cycle lane space, I have added cycle tracks on either side of the road. The pedestrian crossing has also had a parallel cycle crossing added, to allow cyclists to access places on the other side of the road or to U-turn.

End of the line

Let's face it, the end of CS7 at Upper Thames Street is probably one of the most dangerous sections of Superhighway. There are plenty of locations where cyclists have a turning conflict on the Superhighways, but not one where cyclists will be making a potentially unexpected movement with all trucks making some sort of turn, either left or right. I've added cycle tracks along CS7 and added cycle crossings where it crosses Upper Thames Street. North of Upper Thames Street, shared use has been replaced by a cycle track, better for pedestrians and cyclists. Queen Street has very little traffic so it can be shared between cyclists and motor traffic, with CS7 extending further into the city rather than ending just outside as it currently does.

And everything else

Finally, bus stop bypasses and zebra crossings are other things I have added. We should see quality cycling infrastructure here with the "Crossrail for the bike" soon at some point. But this area is currently dangerous for cyclists in an area that cyclists are encouraged to go. There is a chance for this junction to be a real flagship. Come on TFL, make it so.


  1. I'm wondering if it'd be possible if you could produce a tutorial on how you create these updated drawings, as I'd like to improve some that I've come across in my local area.

    1. I may do at some point. I'm using Inkscape, free and open source software that allows you to edit PDF files. Its pretty easy to use and pick up. http://www.inkscape.org/en/
